
Thursday, February 12, 2004

Empo's been busy, and it looks like there might be a chance in the offing to get the house in order at USAT. Whatever your position, be sure to vote when the time comes!

Whad'ya know...Simon Whitfield's kind of an environmentalist! Interesting article that spans altitude tents to organic gardening, courtesy of Triman, a much more prolific blogger than I.

USAT Age Group rankings for 2003 can be found here. Congrats to the All Americans and Honorable Mention athletes!

For anybody who's using the Garmin Forerunner - there is a new software update available on the Garmin web site...this is a new release for the unit itself (version 3.0) with a couple of enhancements and bug fixes - not the logging software that is still pending release. Installation of the new software version is pretty straightforward, you just download a .exe file, hook your unit's interface to the COM1 serial port (the wall wart power supply should not be plugged in, otherwise the unit will sit in charging mode) and run the .exe. I did have to convince Windows XP to re-enable my COM1 port, because I had at one time tried to get a Polar 720i to talk directly to my laptop infra-red interface, which never did work but in the process of trying a few Polar workarounds I had apparently disabled the port.

Monday, February 02, 2004

No time for a full length masters swim workout? If you can still get to the pool at lunch for a half an hour or so in the water bracketed by a few minutes on each side for changing and showering, and then eat your lunch at your desk, try this workout which I call 5x5, it is easy to remember, goes by really quickly and will at least keep your feel for the water going, along with a bit of swim fitness:

5x50 as 25 drill/25 free (use drills such as catchup freestyle, 2 right 2 left arm strokes, swimming with fists) taking 10 seconds rest after each 50
5x100 free on your realistic aerobic base interval - if you don't know your interval, take a good 10 seconds between (or 3-4 deep slow breaths) before starting the next 100
500 pull(you can use paddles if you are used to them, otherwise just the pull buoy)
5x100 free on your aerobic interval again - try to swim these the same speed as the first 5, with the same rest
5x50 as 25 stroke/25 free (use back or breast, skip the fly for this workout). Use this part to cool down - go easy on the stroke and stretch it out on the free staying balanced and working on your distance per stroke

That's it - a straightforward 2000 yards.

Once again Bob Mionskecomes through with some interesting legal news - this time a case in Ohio appealed by attorney Steve Magas, with a positive result for cyclists.

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